Goddess created the universe. Goddess is all powerful. She made the universe in 6 days. She rested on the 7th day because even all powerful deities get tired.
She created Eve. She saw that Eve was sad because she had no helpmate. Therefore Goddess caused Eve to fall into a deep sleep. Goddess was all knowing but somehow had not foreseen this flaw in her perfect plan. The Goddess removed a rib from Eve. From this spare rib Goddess made Adam.
Goddess created the Garden of Eden for Eve and her male friend. It was paradisical. But Goddess commanded them not to eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. Knowledge is bad by the way. but Goddess knows everything but knowledge is not bad for her.
The evil beast tempted Adam to eat the forbidden fruit. Adam succumbed. Then Adam inveigled Eve into partaking of the said fruit. Eve then realised she was naked and became embarrassed.
Goddess knows everything but did not know what Adam and Eve had done. Goddess asked why Eve was trying to hide her nudity.
Then Eve confessed that she had broken the one rule. Eve had made a big mistake in trusting a man. Therefore women should never follow a man’s advice every again and men should have no power at all.
Then Goddess cast them out of Eden. She cursed the beast to crawl on its belly and eat dust. She made Eve suffer in pregnancy and childbirth. She made Adam work hard on the land.
Eve and Adam had three daughters. They probably had sons too but we are not going to mention them because boys do not count. How did the human race continue? Presumably through incest but we are not even going to mention that.
One of Eve’s daughter murdered the other. We must all be descended from the killer.
Goddess put women in charge because they are good and clever. Male sexuality is evil. Men exist to serve women.
Women did everything worthwhile. Goddess gave all messages to women and never to males. Males are unclean a lot of the time and have to take special baths,
Men must be faithful to their women. But women do not have to be faithful.
A woman built an ark to save the world. Then the ark came to dry land. One of the woman’s daughters happened to see her mum naked by accident because mum got drunk and took her clothes off. This was the daughter’s fault though. Then Goddess cursed the daughter for her innocent mistake. Then Goddess said this daughter would be a slave and her daughters forever afterwards. And the two sisters would be mistresses over the descendants. The bad daughter was the mother of all whites.
Goddess chose for her only begotten daughter to be born by being sired by a virgin man who did not have sex with the woman who gave birth to Goddess’ daughter.
Goddess ‘ daughter chose 12 disciples – all females. We do not know if she married or not.
The Lady’s Prayer
Our mother who is in heaven
Give us our daily bread etc….