totalitarianism and fascism

Mussolini. fasces. tech. literacy.

propaganda. church. police. military value. nationalism. philogenerative. conquest. corporatism. nationalism. race. machismo. warmaking is to the male…. civil liberties. individual. doppo lavoro.

everything inside the state.

communism. opposite though similar. cult of the personality. lenin. genius of geniuses. pharonic burial. leniania. hymn to lenin. institute of the brain.

marxism/. science. trisenko. grammar. agitprop. art bold avant garde experimental. refract all through a prism

i will believe that black is white if…..

anti religious. war on truth. history. bourgeois nationalists. future is certain but past is always changing.

big lie. katyn massacre. nazi soviet pact. assassinations. invasion of ukraine. downing of malaysia airlines.

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